Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Making it official

Here we go! I realized that my other blog was getting a wee bit scattered. Posts about my kiddos, about adoption, about my little girl's hair, and about general stay-at-home mom issues. When I started adding posts about sewing, any semblance of a theme was completely lost.

So, here is my sewing blog! I'm relatively new to sewing, but am quickly becoming addicted. I've never had a real hobby before. Honestly. Singing was what I did for so long, but it was no hobby. It was work. Gratifying, absolutely, but also so very stressful.

I remember when I first started really researching how to do Lila's hair. There are some amazing moms out there doing equally amazing things with their daughters' hair. BUT, their blogs start from the very beginning. From the first time they attempted a cornrow. It was so comforting to know that they started out just as clueless as me.

I'm definitely a better seamstres than I was when I started, but I can't wait to continue learning and sharing my experiences here. Maybe someone will be inspired to start sewing for the first time. Maybe an experienced sewer will help me out by saying, "No, silly woman, this is how you do that."

Oh, and just in time for back-to-school dresses!! I am desperately restraining myself from purchasing every single Oliver + S pattern out there. And there are some new ones coming on September 7th!

Next post I'll be sure to start from the very beginning...with pictures, of course.